when you download these files, add them to your own mediafire just in case I or whoever runs the games4theworld mediafire gets ze banhammer. Midnight Hollow Gold + Voodoo Clothing Set. It’s a Sims3 Store World, price at the moment is 4,350 SimPoints. Than you can put this lot in any sims 3 world. To keep this blog up for as long as possible, please do not share this site in places such as the Sims 3 forums, other official EA sites, The Sims Resource. Midnight Hollow Posted: Jin Downloads 1 I just got Midnight Hollow, I thought I should share it with you guys. So you need the sims 3 base game installed and you should update your game to the latest patch.

How to put it in the sims First, its a SIMS3 LOT. Please use the Store Fixes for all your store worlds, it has some package files that are super important and a text file that you have to read. This house would go soooo great with midnight hollow evanell VIP Oct 15, 2013. The following have all come from Games 4 the World, so please go check their wonderful site out for more free store items or if you have trouble with this set. I downloaded Roaring Heights for you wonderful people last night! It’ll go great with the Ragtime In The Big Easy set and the boardwalk set, which I have included below.